As the new year unfolds, Sophie prepares for the wedding of her dreams (and a surprise pregnancy!). But resistance from her mother forces Sophie and Katrina on a wild journey of reckoning. Can they overcome their dark memories -- and trust one another again?
During the hazy week between Christmas and New Years, Katrina receives horrible news: her mother is being rushed to the hospital after a bad fall. Katrina is terrified. They always had a difficult relationship. What if she can't say all the things she wants to -- before it's too late?
Sophie has nearly a full year of sobriety under her belt. Never in her life did she think she would get off drugs and alcohol. But help from her cousin, Samantha Coleman, and support from her boyfriend, Patrick, have been life-altering.
And now, Patrick pops the question of a lifetime -- just as Sophie learns she's pregnant.
But, devastated with her own mother's health, Katrina is unable to welcome Sophie's news. She remembers Sophie's addiction like a dagger through the heart -- and she's not convinced Sophie won't destroy her life again. Sophie is heartbroken -- and prepares to live the rest of her life without her mother's support.
As Katrina grapples with memories of her own mother and her father's addiction, and Sophie comes to terms with her mother's rage, mother and daughter must unite with love and hope for the new generation -- before it's too late.